Governo e sindicatos dos professores voltaram à mesa das negociações – RTP

Governo e sindicatos dos professores voltaram à mesa das negociações


O objetivo é rever o Estatuto da Carreira Docente. As reuniões começaram com o regime de mobilidade por doença. O Ministério propõe uma redução dos atuais 20 para 15 quilómetros de distância para os professores poderem concorrer a outras escolas.


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3 comentários

    • Klar Bestoni on 17 de Janeiro de 2025 at 16:53
    • Responder

    Discovering the vast potential of Konica Minolta manuals has been a game-changer for me. When troubleshooting equipment or exploring advanced features, these manuals offer a goldmine of information. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just someone looking to make the most out of your device, these guides ensure you’re never left guessing .One of the most impressive aspects of the Konica Minolta manuals is their clarity. They break down even the most complex processes into manageable steps, complete with illustrations and diagrams that guide you through each action. Whether it’s adjusting print settings, solving error codes, or learning about the machine’s maintenance, everything is presented in an easy-to-digest format.Another standout feature is their comprehensive nature. These manuals cover a wide range of topics, from basic setup instructions to advanced functionalities that many users might not even realize their devices possess. For instance, I discovered how to enhance the efficiency of my printer by optimizing the energy-saving modes, all thanks to these manuals.

    • Mexer por mexer para inglês ver e lixar zecos on 17 de Janeiro de 2025 at 17:44
    • Responder

    Até faz medo!
    É só pegar no anterior à bruxa Rodrigues!

    • Anónimo on 17 de Janeiro de 2025 at 20:17
    • Responder

    Mas por acaso sabem o que é 15Km em vários transportes públicos, diariamente, para quem tem problemas graves de coluna?
    Andam a brincar.

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